Friday, June 20, 2008

Forestry Tour

Just returned from a forestry tour in southern Indiana. First of all thanks to the folks from Project Learning Tree and the Indiana DNR Division of Forestry. We went to a tree farm, sawmill and hardwood flooring plant. They were all gracious hosts as well. Learned quite a few things. 50,000 people employed in the hardwood industry, which is the 4th largest industry in Indiana. That adds up to 9 billion dollars per year. Indiana was originally 87% forest, went down to 7% and now is about 22%. There are jobs for foresters and if you don't want to go to college for four years, there's a school in Memphis that will teach you how to be a lumber inspector in only 14 weeks. Who knew? I can't remember my counselor in high school ever telling me about jobs in the lumber industry. Of course, it's been so long ago, they may actually have.

A couple of other observations from the road:

I passed a guy with what looked like a donkey equipped with saddlebags . It looked like they were hiking long distance. If I hadn't been pulling the trailer, I'd have gone back and investigated a little bit. Had to be a story there.

Saw an Edsel with a camper mounted on the back. It was for sale. Probably will be. It's on the west side of 231, if your interested.

One of the gentlemen on the tour told me of a place selling Whizzer motorbikes not too far from me. My older brother had one back in the day. It costs about $100.00 to fill up the tank on my pickup. I would imagine about 5 or 6 tankfuls would cover the cost of a Whizzer. Might be a place to swap the incentive check.


  1. Wow, glad you had a good time. I'm taking care of McDowell down in Kokomo. The Whizzers look cool... and the place you are probably talking about that sells them is right by the Human Race store in Valpo.


  2. I really don't need any more rolling stock but I'm going to check them out anyway. Did a little work on my Honda yesterday. I could have that running in just a couple of days. We'll see.
