Tuesday, June 24, 2008


I received an e-mail today from the Indiana Technology Education HQ. The IMSTEA video contest winners are posted. I've mentioned IMSTEA before but I'm more than willing to promote it again. It's a heck of a project and the videos are worth a look. There are three of them and each is only about a minute long.

After posting about the Putney School the other day, I received a comment from the director, Ms. Emily Jones. She suggested the TED website and the speech by Sir Ken Robinson. It's about twenty minutes long but well worth the time. Very interesting as well as humorous. It addresses the issue of creativity and schools. All kinds of interesting things on the TED site. I also received a comment in a previous post from another shop teacher in North Carolina. This guy does some cool stuff. Too bad we're so far apart, I'd like to check out his shop. It would be nice to have access to a CNC mill like he has. We have a pretty good tech department but no machine shop. The website is very well done as well. Maybe I should heed the advice of my department head and work on mine.

After doing this for only a short time, I'm rather taken aback that someone actually reads this drivel and there's actually an exchange of information that can be quite helpful and entertaining. Apparently the internet is not just for pornography after all.

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