Saturday, July 12, 2008

Barn Razing

I had planned on having a couple of guys meet me this morning to help take the last of the junk out of the old barn so I could start tearing it down. I only had a couple of things but too much for me to move by myself. The one guy was sick yesterday and they were forecasting rain this morning, so I canceled it out. Thank the Good Lord that I did. The top two photos show the barn a couple of days ago. The bottom two show what happened this morning about the time we would have been working on it.

I went uptown to get a couple of screws for the Honda and it looked its normal raggedy self. When I came home I parked the truck and looked in the mirror and saw the one corner really racked out of shape. I got out of the truck and it had fallen in. We got some rain last night so I assume it was the extra weight that did it in. I had finished the new dog pen but she was still in the old barn when it came down. Fortunately, she was on the side that remained standing. I'll just have to dig the rest of the stuff out as I uncover it. Man, that could have been really ugly.


  1. Yep, that would'a been real interesting if you'd been working in there. "Indiana Jones and the Barn of Destruction" or some such. Glad the dog didn't get squished.

    Unfortunately, now you have another project to clean up. They're art and Americana while they're still standing. Just another "To Do" pile after they fall.

    If you get it all the way down before the fiscal year ends you may be able to get a break on the property taxes.

  2. Surly was here last evening. He was sure glad he wasn't up to helping Sat. morning . I'm going to try to get things cleaned up pretty quickly even if it takes a little professional help. I've got the plans and talked to the guy about permits to build a new one. I'd like to get my concrete poured before the weather closes in this fall.

  3. Thank God for food poisoning?
