Thursday, September 25, 2008

Boxing Club Open for Business

Busy these days - gym opened Monday. DeMotte Boxing Club is officially open for business. I still have to work on a couple of things but it's all coming together. Two of the speed bag platforms are a little too shaky. They kill the rebound, thus making them something less than speed bags. I brought one over to school and had one of my aces stiffen it up. If that works, we'll move to platform number two. The gym is going to be open two nights a week for right now. We've got a pretty good core group already but I was training them before at no charge. We'll see if they're willing to pony up a couple of bucks a month for a regular gym membership.

I got some work done on the barn, got a new front tire on the Honda and got a little done on the 900 this past weekend. Working on the tach/headlight mount and a chain guard. I should be able to get the chain guard done this week. I need to order some tubing for the headlight mount and I'll order some tubing for the midget bumper at the same time. I know the grandson's going to run into something, might as well put the bumper on before he crashes. That project needs to go into the rotation pretty soon. Now that the gym is up and running, I'm looking to get a regular work and workout schedule for myself. I'm looking to do a couple of runs in November with a 10K on Thanksgiving Day. I think this will be the 5th annual Kids Alive Turkey Trot. I've run three and volunteered one. It's for a good cause and removes all remorse when you're chowing down later in the day. If you run 6 miles in the morning, have the second piece of pie.

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