Friday, October 3, 2008

When It Hits The Fan

After reading in the paper and hearing on the news of all the trials and tribulations of the folks in hurricane country and the massive bailout proposal, I'm really starting to wonder about the people of America. I saw the people of Houston on television and they were running out of gas, water and everything else including common sense, apparently. I realize the people of Houston don't fully represent the people of Texas but I can't imagine any self respecting Texan not having five gallons of gas and some extra water when given a weeks notice. People running out of gas because they are driving all over looking to buy gas? That's just plain silly. Have we as a nation just decided to roll over and leave everything to the government? Have we all forgotten the old joke: "I'm from the government and I'm here to help"? Where in the constitution does it say the government has to look out for people who refuse to help themselves or get caught up by their own greed, regardless whether that's an individual or a big bank. What about the Boy Scout motto: Be prepared?

As I write this it is still possible for the Cubs and the White Sox to meet in the World Series. If that happens, I'm fully convinced the end is upon us. That being the case, no amount of advanced planning will help. If however, that doesn't come to pass, maybe we should start thinking about looking out for ourselves. Maybe start putting together some emergency supplies - flashlight, radio, water - that kind of stuff. Think about what it would take to live for a week if the house gets flooded like many of them around here were recently. Just take a little responsibility for your own well being and exercise a little of the pioneer spirit. Me, I'm thinking concertina wire around the perimeter would be a good start.

The original settlers were hardy people. The majority of people 100 years ago lived under worse conditions than most people now days experience when they go camping. No phones, television, indoor plumbing, refrigeration, automobiles - all of the things we take for granted. Get some candles or a lantern, lay in some provisions and start thinking about taking care of yourself and your loved ones. Get a little exercise so you're not going to have the grabber the first time you have to walk a few blocks.

I see the habits of the parents reflected in their children every day. While many of these kids could actually hunt and fish to provide some sustenance for themselves, a whole lot of them are totally dependent on mom or grandma for everything. For many, there is no work ethic, no sense of pride and certainly no thought of self-reliance. Maybe every school should have some mandatory type of Outward Bound program? It's getting hard enough to field a football team around here. Or anything else that requires much in the way of hard work, for that matter. We need to toughen up quite a few of the little darlings both mentally and physically. So this fall, take the kids camping. Swat some skeeters, eat some burnt food that's been garnished with ashes, do a little hiking and top it off with an ice cold shower and a trip to the pit toilet. They'll thank you for it later.

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