Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Not Just A Tot Rod - A Super Tot Rod

The Super Tot Rod is going to make Santa's sleigh right on schedule, which for me normally means at the last minute. I had a little weather delay due to the ice storm here in the Midwest but it's done and the paints even dry. It's nice finishing up a project. After all these years, I still can't figure out how I lose interest in something I was so fired up to start on (the projects for the grandsons being exceptions) or why I should have a dozen things going at the same time.

I think part of the problem is other jobs crop up along the way and seem to jump to the head of the line. Most of these are not my own jobs, by the way. Another part of the problem is I tend to lose interest once I have the job mastered mentally. By that I mean, if I know I can do it, why go ahead with it. If it's no longer a challenge, I might as well finish this book I'm reading. Of course, the fact that I'm constantly reading naturally cuts into my work time as well. Last, but certainly not least, I'm always spread way too thin. With the job, the gym, running, traveling, family time, doing what little maintenance I do on the shack, Mother Nature throwing the occasional curve ball like an ice storm stripping the branches off the trees and flipping the remaining section of the barn off it's foundation and throwing the roof into the middle of the driveway, plus a little blogging time, it's not always easy to find the time to get out in the shop and do a little something. The blog here should be an asset, however.

With my "legion of fans" tracking my progress, now there is a little more pressure to get things done. Usually if I set a completion date, it's just a suggestion. Carved in stone dates, like birthdays or Christmas, are something else. Likewise, involving others also rachets up the ante. If I post about a project here, theoretically at least, the whole damn world knows about it. If the whole world is watching, a guy probably ought to get up off the couch. With that in mind, the midget is now priority number one for the February 18th deadline. Cuzzin Ricky's buggy is still the official open shop night project, the 900 is looking to see daylight on April 1st, and I also have a couple of fairly big jobs cooking with the vocational class during day school. It should be a good winter for projects. Projects that get completed, that is.

Happy Holidays!

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