Monday, March 23, 2009

Spring Break

I'm on break this week but it looks like it's going to be pretty bleak. The weatherman is forecasting rain until Friday. I had planned on getting a bunch of work done around the shack plus getting out and putting some miles in on the bicycle but it looks like that's out. It's not like I don't have anything else to work on but it's pretty damn depressing to be looking at five days in a row of crappy weather when the option was there to get out of Dodge for a few days. Yesterday was a beautiful spring day, however. I did get the truck cleaned out and a couple of other things done outside.

The wife and I celebrated our anniversary a few days ago by being ill, so yesterday we drove to the big city for a lap around Rural King and then to a restaurant that has really good barbeque. The only problem was the restaurant took a week off for Spring Break, as well. We went with the back up plan and stopped at the Monon Connection and Whistle Stop Restaurant. The food's pretty good, prices fair and they've got one heckuva collection of railroad memorabilia. I'm not talking just a couple of timetables and some old calenders. They've got a caboose, boxcar, crane, handcarts, signs and outbuildings. They've got more lanterns and china than you'll ever hope to see anywhere. There's a fee to view the museum part but if you're any kind of a train buff at all, you'll want to invest a couple of bucks. You can see some of the collection from the restaurant and be entertained by the trains that run overhead while you're dining on a piece of homemade pie. The restaurant and museum are located on US 421 two miles north of Monon, Indiana. Just remember to check the local time thanks to "My Man Mitch".

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