Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Joys of Teaching

Now most of you who know me have to be looking for some sarcasm to accompany that title but no, really, here's some of the joy of teaching:

I received a letter from a former student the other day. We've stayed in touch pretty much ever since he graduated 18-20 years ago even though he left the area. Good kid when in school and has done well for himself over the years. He worked as a weldor for many years and has a little sideline hustle still using his skills. He's a police officer now. Really great to hear from him. I also got an e-mail from a former student about a month ago. He graduated in '93 so it's really been awhile since I've last seen him. He too is doing well and is planning on coming down one of these nights for my Open Shop. He's bringing another former student with him as well.

As a teacher, you always wonder what happens to these guys once they leave school. I've always been of the opinion that I can't be a success unless they are. Kind of puts me in tough position, with my fate determined by theirs but it's really the only way to see it. It makes me extremely proud when they go out and make something of themselves. And of course, it's very rewarding to know that I had some small part in it.

The educational system is always in the news for one thing or another and there are lots of things that could be improved. There are some slugs in the classroom just like any other profession and Lord knows I've made my share of mistakes but most of us just keep plugging along trying to do the best we can with whatever comes through the door. It's the guys like the ones I've heard from recently that keep us coming back, though. Thanks fella's.

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