Friday, August 6, 2010

Contest Entry

Photo from here:

I got my Month at the Museum entry mailed off. I was a little disappointed with my essay even though I'm usually pretty good at that sort of thing. I never really got into a groove when writing it. They wanted a 5x7 head shot included as well - Surly did a nice job on the photo but if they're looking for a beauty queen, I'm out on that count as well. I'm sure my chances of winning are about as good as winning the lottery but it was a good technical exercise. And as they say - you can't win unless you play.

The bike in the photo was a prize in some contest. I didn't even bother looking into that one. I've got plenty of bicycles and too much grass to mow for a rig like that even if it did work. I do have an old reel mower, however. I could make one up and park it next to the railbike and the recumbent. When my kid has the auction it could be one more thing that sells for two bucks.

I probably should have entered something in the Miller Electric contest. There are three different categories of welding projects and like the museum contest, it ends next week as well. Chances of winning something probably would have been better but it's an annual contest. Maybe I should start thinking about something for next year -like finishing my Rickati project. I was planning on taking care of that this summer but I couldn't get into my shop at school all summer due to construction. I wish they would have told me that ahead of time. I had a bunch of work lined up to do in there.

School starts in a week and the construction isn't finished yet. With the layoffs and retirements and just plain quits, the corporation lost about 14% of it's staff this year. The superintendent is going to unveil his master plan for staffing next Monday. That should be interesting. I'm heading out now to go see my financial guy. I need to work up my escape route.


  1. You should attend the Board meeting and find out for us all what the Master Plan from Dr. Dementia is.

  2. Jimmy's not going to be at the gym tonight so I don't know if I'll make it. I imagine he'll wait 'til the end to unveil the plan. Maybe I can stop by on my way home.

  3. If the museum folks read your "Pressed ham moon" comment in the post below, you really won't have a chance.

    Hope the master plan works out, but if it's anything like the austerity measures being implemented where I work, you ain't gonna like it. Doing more with less is something everyone is gonna be affected by as money becomes more scarce. The "Shit rolls downhill" law hasn't been repealed yet.
    Hope for the best. Plan for the worst, Bro.

  4. Unk: I thought about that before writing it down but you would think they would have a sense of humor.

    As far as the master plan, I see only clouds on the horizon for the next couple of years but I'm down to the number of fingers on one hand as far as how much longer I plan on working. I'm fine tuning the retirement/WTSHTF plan and it's progressing nicely.
