Sunday, October 17, 2010


I wish I had the talent to make an aluminum body like this!

I stumbled across a pretty cool photoblog the other night while wasting some time on the computer. It's got a rather interesting mix of motorcycles, cars, architecture, just plain cool photos of a variety of things, including some scantily attired young women, so I wouldn't recommend checking this one out at work. The photos of the cars and bikes are a nice selection of cafe racers, one-offs, sports cars and hot rods. I went back through a few of the pages and it looks like it's updated on a regular basis.


  1. Indeed. Nice variety of most of the things I'm interested in and good quality to boot. Just what I need, one more thing to waste my time on.

  2. Click the word photoblog in the first sentence. Haven't decided if it needs a permanent link.
