Sunday, December 12, 2010

Library of Congress

The Library of Congress had a semi-trailer set up at the Merrillville Reference Library this past weekend. I was a little disappointed in what they had inside but if you've got 145 million things, something has to be left at home. The exhibit was primarily an advertisement for the Library of Congress and it was quite effective in that regard. I've already checked out the website and have kicked myself in the ass for not at least going in the building while I was there this summer. The building is remarkable from the outside and from the pictures of the interior I've seen, the interior is even more remarkable.

The Library is also a founding partner in the World Digital Library where you can find cool pictures like Elvis and Tricky Dick Nixon.

The online gift shop has all kinds of things available for purchase. Might be a little too late for Christmas this year but next year I'm going to ask Santa for one of the photographs by Edward Curtis or Arthur Rothstein. An 8x10 photo is $28.00. I'll never be able to afford an original Curtis but I have seen a couple. Shame I wasn't born rich instead of good looking - I'd have myself an art collection.

The Library of Congress has 745 miles of bookshelves in three buildings and as Thomas Jefferson wrote to John Adams on 6/10/1815: "I cannot live without books".


  1. 745 miles of bookshelves.
    Wow. Hard to wrap my head around that one.

  2. I asked the wife if she thought they had camping there. I could easily spend a summer going through the stacks. They need a deal like the Museum of Science and Industry - spend a month there 24/7. Maybe I should suggest that to them.

  3. You just need a place to park that little trailer of yours. You could be just like the rest of the homeless, err, urban campers in DC.

    Shit, you'd raise the general IQ, honesty, level of civility and trust too.

    The more I think of it, they should give you some of that sweet TARP money just to get you to visit.
