Friday, February 11, 2011

The Eyes Have It

No explanation needed here.

Photo Calculator

In my quest to put my photo equipment together for the upcoming trip, I came across a do-it -yourself exposure calculator. I have lots of old cameras that have no metering device for calculating the proper exposure as well as a couple of meters that use exposure value numbers. With the little calculator shown in the photo, it's possible to take an exposure value number and translate that into a shutter speeds and f stop combination or use the written description to assign an exposure value to whatever it is you're photographing.

I usually use the "sunny 16" rule as a starting point for my exposure valus and guess how many stops I need to open up the lens for any other exposure. Usually I get pretty close and with black and white film you have a little latitude any way. If I'm not sure and I really want to make sure of the exposure I bracket the shot by taking an extra shot or two with a different exposure combination - either by changing the f stop or the shutter speed. Even if the camera has a meter it's sometime better to override it in certain conditions such as back lit subjects or a subject in the shade. The little calculator will take a little bit of the guess work out of it.

I'm hoping to get into the darkroom pretty soon and print up a few things. I've got some nice negatives from a couple of my trips and a couple of other things that I'd like to see printed up. If I get something worth bragging about, I'll see about scanning them in and posting them.

A friend and colleague quit the school at the end of the first semester and is heading for Spain today. She has a blog that she writes when traveling and you might want to check out her big adventure. She was great to work with and all of us in the school corporation owe her a large debt of gratitude for all the work she did on our behalf during the last two very difficult years.
Best wishes Traveling Pirate and I'll see you in Italy.

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