Thursday, February 17, 2011

It'll Get Better - But It's Going To Be Awhile

Nothing Italian -
Just a Beautiful Photograph

Photo from here:

It looks like the State of Indiana is bound and determined to pass legislation for educational "reform". It's not going to be pretty and it's not going to be effective. It looks like a very thinly veiled attempt to break the unions by eliminating collective bargaining and protecting teachers from unfair evaluations. It's really a shame what they are planning to do and it will have extremely long range effects on the ability of good teachers to do the job for which they were hired to do. My buddy Kevin passed along a piece from the Washington Post that says it all much more eloquently than I can. I strongly urge you to read it. It will only take a couple of minutes.

Regardless of what happens, I'll be done in a couple of years and I won't have to deal with the silliness of it all. Unfortunately my grandchildren will, however. Fortunately they have parents that place a high value on education and skills training in high school. My son and several of his buddies all took machine shop in high school with one of the greatest teachers a young man could have. My son used his training as the jumping off point to earn his papers as a journeyman machinist and he has been very successful as a result. Likewise his buddies. Not all of them became machinists but have used the skills and the work ethic taught to them by Mr. Keyes to succeed in their own way as well.

So the sun will still rise in the East, set in the West and occasionally we'll be privileged to a beautiful shot of the moon like the one in the above photo. There will still be schools and there will still be teachers who give it their all every day for low pay. But some kid will stop them in the grocery store some day and thank them for keeping them in school or giving them a pair of mittens and that will make it all worthwhile.


  1. There's gonna be a lot more reform coming too.
    In your area, no kinda reform is gonna fix the shitty parents or living arrangements so many kids have anymore & that's a much bigger problem than the schools or unions.

    The government has a real knack of creating problems and needing to fix them later.

  2. I'm sure you would agree after dealing with the zombies in your line of work, that the problems can't all be laid at the feet of public education. Drugs, alcohol and poverty have to take a little of the blame. Particularly when the problem has continued for a several generations.

    It'll be real interesting if the state actually takes over a few of the failing schools up here to see how well they handle things.

  3. Perhaps I am wrong but, if the people who are knowledgeable about how to educate students can't overcome the issues of poverty and apathy in some schools, how will people who have no knowledge of education do it?

  4. The Government can't fix the home environment. They can't make a parent be responsible for making sure the kids are fed well, doing their homework, turning off the TV and video, pulling the cellphone, inspiring to achieve more than belonging to the dependency class, getting proper sleep, teaching ethics of right and wrong, work ethics, respect for others, respect for learning and the history of the Republic and on and on and on.

    Can't be done.
    Over the last 60 years the .Gov and their allies have created a f**king monster, both culturally and and fiscally. Now that the money has stopped coming in they are looking for fixes to the problems they created in the search to create a socialist utopia where all men may not have been created equal, but they damn sure will be subjugated equally and with shared misery by their betters.

    Or you could just say - "We're Boned."

  5. The states have underfunded their pension obligations. So if they take away the union's ability to protect it's workers, it'll be a lot easier to cut the benefits that were promised. I didn't ask for the pension. It was forced upon me. Like Social Security, they take your money whether you like it or not and promise you something in return. When they find out it's costing them a lot of money they don't have because they didn't keep up the payments, they tell you you're doing a lousy job and your promised pension becomes an "entitlement".

    You're right Unk, "We're Boned".

  6. why is it that they put you in jail if you would do that to the teamsters pension fund or the carpenters or the auto or steel workers but not these bonewads thats why im running for president in 2012 this crap is gonna come to an end i have spoken so it shall be cuzzin ricky
