Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Packing It Up Here, Boss

I've got all my clothes packed and ready for the trip to Italy. I'm still trying to decide on which film camera to take. I'm leaning more towards my little Canon rangefinder. It's light and quiet and I'm real comfortable using it. It's not as versatile as the Nikon with the zoom lens but it takes really nice pictures and it comes in a small package. I shot a roll with it when I was in Virginia that I'm going to develop this evening after I get done with my nightly web crawling. That will probably be the deciding factor. If the negs look good, and there's no reason they shouldn't, I'll probably just say screw it and throw a roll of film in it. There's been millions of great photos taken with small rangefinder cameras, most notably, the Leica M Series. I should be able to get at least a few good ones.

If you check out the DeMotte Boxing Club blog, there's a link to a radio broadcast of the last two rounds of Jimmy's fight. The blow by blow stuff actually blows but the commentary about how they have the fight scored is pretty interesting. I'm not bitching about the scoring here, I'm just crowing a little for Jimmy. The boy deserves all the publicity he can get after the performance he put on.

The top photos are, of course, keeping with the upcoming trip. As a side note, I had the pleasure to hear one of the 350 Benelli's at full song at Daytona a few years back. Sweet, sweet mechanical music there, by golly. Never had the chance to hear that Ferrari but I did get to see and hear their Can-Am car back in the early 1970's. They were competing against the big block Chevy powered McClaren's. The Chevy's thundered around Elkhart Lake but the 12 cylinder Ferrari's just screamed.

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