Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Comin' Together

New Barn

Skid Plate

Cider Press

The boys were working on the barn yesterday. I picked up the patio door for the top on Sunday and it was installed on Monday - can't beat that. You can see it in the photo behind the scaffolding. They also got one of the bay doors stuck in the hole where it belongs as well. We start giving finals on Friday, so time has about run out. If we had about one more week of school they'd have the whole thing closed in. It's going to be a kick-ass building when it's done. You can visualize what it's going to look like when it's finished with the doors in place. Humor me and click on the picture. Looks good, don't you think?

I welded up the skid plate for the Rickati project yesterday. I made it out of an old sign that came with my place. One of the previous owners "collected" signs. They're made out of nice tempered aluminum and are about the right thickness. A little thicker would be better but I don't have a sheet metal break that will bend anything heavier anyway.

The cider press picture I threw in there just because it looks sexy. I need to weld in a pipe coupling and put a valve in the line but that's easily enough done. I got busy with other things over the weekend so I didn't have a chance to look for a stainless coupling.

The weather related news over the weekend was terrible again. More tornadoes and the devastation they bring with them. Down South, up North and some damage real close to home. The Missus and myself spent a little quality time down the basement with the chicks on Sunday. The power was out and according to the scanner a tornado was sighted so we went to the bunker. No damage here but I'm glad I weighted down the sheet metal for the barn before it started blowing. I'm also going to make a couple of changes in the emergency preparedness routine. I'm already pretty well set but if we had the grandkids here when something big hit, I'd like to have the operation a little more streamlined and have a few more supplies. It's going to be one of the first things I do when vacation rolls around. Remember the Boy Scout motto: Be Prepared.

If you've got a couple of bucks to spare, might want to cut a check to the Red Cross or one of the other organizations helping out the tornado victims. Click on the link. It'll take you right there.

Note: This is a repost from the other day due to the pictures disappearing.

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