Monday, May 9, 2011

Jumpin' Jack Flash it's a Gas

Gas Gas.

One of my fellow Tech Ed teachers loaned me his trials bike. I'm not sure why. I think it's because he has the thing and he's not quite sure what to do with it and I'm the only guy he's ever talked to that mentioned trials bikes without being prompted. He can ride a bike fast, he's just not sure what to do about going slow. I rode it around the backyard a little Friday afternoon but I didn't get a chance to do much else with it this weekend. It's got huge fun potential, I can see that but I just didn't get the chance to do much with it this weekend.

I did manage to get in a T-Ball game on Friday evening. While there, Surly and I planned our assault on the moving of heavy things for Saturday. Saturday morning involved picking up a trailer, then loading a lathe and delivering same to Surly's garage. We also moved a woodworking jointer for me from the same place as well as a floor crane and an engine stand. The move came off relatively smooth - not even so much as a pinched finger. Surly commented after we had gotten the lathe in place about all the stuff we have moved. I hadn't really thought about it but between us we have moved about six or seven metal working lathes and a couple of milling machines, several welders and even a garage. I always just kind of do it with out giving it much thought - that is, thought about it being unusual for a guy to get up on Saturday morning and move things that weigh a half ton or more. There usually is plenty of thought given on how to get it done safely and efficiently. I guess "shop guys" just do these things. We got it all done, including picking up a mower and returning the trailer before the rain came in. I guess that good clean living does pay off.

I worked around the shack yesterday. It was a beautiful day to be outside, so I spent the better part of it out. I got the garden in except for a few pepper plants I need to pick up. I put a new belt on the mower and mowed the front yard, planted some trees and shrubs, policed up around the new barn, and took care of a few other odds and ends. Wrapped it all up about six and was both too sore and too tired to ride the trials bike. Damn, it's hell to get old.

It's a beautiful morning as I right this but it looks like rain coming in for the rest of the week. It'll just have to be, I guess. I'm just glad I got my work outside done yesterday. I need to take care of the "peeps" and get to work. Have a good week.

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