Friday, June 24, 2011

Chicken Wrangler

I got the chickens moved out to the chicken coop today and cleaned up the basement. I like chickens but they do smell. They seemed to settle in rather quickly to their new home. I only have one of my Black Javas left and he's pretty long in the tooth. He didn't seem too interested in the new girls one way or the other. So now I just keep pouring feed and water into them until they start laying. That'll be awhile but as a chicken fancier, I'm good with that.

I started working/thinking on the barn reclamation project today. I got the check from the insurance company but it has to be endorsed by two banks and the wife and I. The one bank was easy - the other one we'll have to wait and see. As long as the money's coming, I can wait them out.

I went to the lumber yard and the steel supplier to price out some material to make up a cradle to lift the lid back up. I've got a rough idea of what I want to put together to make it happen. I started jacking it up to see what it will take to get underneath it to be able to put the lifting cradle under it. A couple of floor jacks and some concrete blocks seem to do the trick pretty easily. I need to be able to roll it about 12 feet to clear the front wall. I've been giving that a little thought and I think I've got a plan. If I can roll it out of the way, I can have it on a concrete pad and it'll be up in the air high enough to work under it safely. It also means I'll only have to have the wrecker guys come out once. It's going to be interesting but I like a good challenge. If the rain finally holds up for a little bit, I might be able to get most of the lifting done this weekend.

Looks like I might be going to Oklahoma next week for a couple of days. They're flying Jimmy out for a press conference for his upcoming fight with the Comanche Kid. I'm getting to be quite the jet setter.

Enjoy your weekend.

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