Monday, July 11, 2011

Playing Possum

When I went out to feed the animals this morning I found an opossum in the trap that we set for the mink. This was just a little one. I turned it loose figuring if I get around to putting some smaller mesh wire up it won't be able to get back in. They're ugly little things but they don't bother anything that I'm aware of. I've had them get into the chicken coop before and they just eat the chicken feed, not the chickens.

I did manage to get a little work done on my low rider chalet. I finished up the plate on the bottom of the lid/roof section. Didn't get much else done due to a big storm. We got some serious rain for a couple of minutes but Chicago and vicinity got 50 mph winds. Nothing like what we got when the barn came down but a bunch of people were without power up that way.

My next step is to jack the roof section back up and get the wheels out from under it. I can then work on the lifting cradle. The Building Trades instructor came by and we decided to tackle the walls after I finish up the stint at the blacksmith shop. I should have some progress made on the cradle by then. Might be able to get the thing back together and sheeted before school starts. I would like a little vacation before school starts. But I would also like to have the barn back together.

Talking some rain coming back in tonight and tomorrow - about 40% chance. Hopefully, I'll be able to work on something barn related tomorrow. Have to play it by ear.


  1. At least we caught something thought the old man had lost his touch! I have some chicken wire from my old coupe if you are interested I will be out that way tomorrow I will stop by and drop it off if you want.

  2. I definitely need to do something. I'll take it if you don't want it. I'll be gone from about 9:00 to 10:30 in the AM. Should be here the rest of the day. I'm going to set one of the traps up by the house tonight. Maybe get the raccoon that's been getting into things.

  3. good job on the barn move i guess we were paying attention back in the old days been thinking about a train trip and that caboose deal up in canada sounds like the ticket stop at the locks and shoot some shots of the ore boats and then off to the great outdoors for a week of camping in a caboose i've got the info on it if i can find it lets start planning see if cuzzin johnny wants to come along and strum his guitar around the campfire looks like we are moving my mom this weekend cuzzin ricky

  4. I've been thinking about that trip for a long time. Get the info dug out and we'll talk. I won't be around to help with the move but I wish you luck.
