Big sprocket there. Motor pacing started with "Mile a Minute" Murphy. He managed to go 60 mph behind a train on sheets of plywood between the rails. The current motor paced speed record is 167 mph, set by Fred Rompelberg. Before that, the record was 152 set by John Howard in 1985. I don't know much about Fred Rompelberg, but John Howard is nothing but a stud. He did the Race Across America, competed on three Olympic teams and won the Ironman. Pretty impressive resume, that. It's amazing what the human body can accomplish given good genes and an all consuming desire to excel.
That's not me. But I did get some work done on the barn yesterday. I got one of the beams lifted up into position and the stretchers lifted up and fastened into place. I didn't get quite as much done as I wanted but the chest was starting to get sore so I figured I ought to quit. Lots of crawling over and under to get the 2x12 stretchers lifted up and screwed into the bottom of the trusses. I'm putting five of them in to space the lifting beams apart and to keep them from wanting to shift or roll over when the crane picks thing up. Plus, they'll keep the beams up tight against the floor after the top gets set down on the walls. I'm going to put some clips on the beams also to help hold them tight as well. I'll need to be able to cut the crane loose with out them coming down after the lift or else they'll need another 8-9 foot of cable/chain when they make the lift so they can unhook. Depending on the weather, they're calling for rain today, I'd like to get the beams finished up. I need to police up the area and get everything off the floor and then take the roof sheets off.
Getting real close to lift-off.
That bike has negative trail.
ReplyDelete152 MPH? On a bicycle? That's just crazy.