Photo From Here
It's true. Horizontal stripes do make you look thinner!
Surly sent me this quote the other day: Besides the noble art of getting things done, there is the noble art of leaving things undone. The wisdom of life consists in the elimination of nonessentials. -Lin Yutang, writer and translator (1895-1976)
I've pretty well mastered the noble art of leaving things undone, only as in unfinished. What I have trouble with is the elimination of nonessentials. I've always bounced from one thing to another as my mood or interest has changed. Certain things, like my race bikes, I've tackled and stuck with like a bulldog, sometimes working long hours completely absorbed in the job. Other things I start and once I know I can do it, I lose interest in. I'm at the point now where I have too many things that need my attention and my possessions have become somewhat of a burden. I have been working to get that under control this year and have made some progress even with the barn falling down. One nice thing about this blog is the fact that even though I don't always get as much done as I plan to, I can look back and see all that I have done. Now that the time has changed and the cold weather is here, it's time to start hitting the basement workshop and tackle a few things, plus get busy putting a street bike together for next year.
I did manage to finish up the siding on the North end of the barn around the entry door. I also got the trim put on the corners on that end and a few other chores accomplished. I was going to try and squeeze in a little walk, since I'm doing a 5K on Thanksgiving day, but came in and watched the Bears game instead. It was 3:00 and I hadn't eaten lunch yet, so I left the walk undone. Obviously I'm still having a little trouble sorting out what's essential.
It'll be a short week but I have to pay for it by doing bus duty. With a little luck, I'll be able to stand out there in the cold rain.
A conversation I had with a student today that I know you can appreciate:
ReplyDeleteStudent: Can I come in and get some help 7th hour on the assignment that is due 8th hour?
Me: No, I'm not going to be here. I have to go to the doctor.
Me (wanting to say): Oh well then by all means, you spoiled little brat, I'll cancel my doctors appointment to make sure I am no longer growing tumors in my abdomen so that you can get your questions answered on an assignment you had 4 days to do but waited to do until 2 hours before class.
Am I too young to retire?
Apparently the little darlin' doesn't realize that we are the privileged elite, not him/her.
ReplyDeleteWhen I get to be superintendent, I'll fix everything in the first couple of weeks and you can have your old job back. Every day will be sunshine and roses and you'll never want to retire then.