Thursday, January 5, 2012

South End

From This
To This
Pretty good day yesterday. I got the scaffold torn down on the north end and then got everything moved and set up on the south end. I did some work on the inside as well. First thing was to cover up the hole where the stairs go and put up a railing so I wouldn't fall threw the hole while I was working that corner. I then tackled the big doors. They got a little whacked out of shape during the big crunch. I had made up a "wishbone" kind of thing to put over the doors to strengthen and line everything back up, so I got that installed. It took a lot of the shake out of the top of the wall over the doors. The doors open and close pretty well now but I'm going to make up some gussets for the top corners and some plates along the side so nothing will shift back out of square. I'll make those up next week at school. Hung a few purlins and got the one fly rafter wrapped with aluminum. All in all, pretty damn productive day.

The weather was absolutely beautiful for the 4th of January. It got up to about 40 and the sun was shining nicely until about 1:30. Nice working on the south side with the sun shining on my back. It wasn't quite so nice when I was inside working and had to look out but I'm not complaining. Nice of Mother Nature to throw me a bone. The weather is supposed to be decent again today so I'll keep on keeping on.

I'm not sure how I'm going to trim out the peak yet.That might call for a little head scratching. I'll be able to tell a little better once I get the scaffold moved and start the trim up to the peak. Looks like I might be able to get it closed in by Sunday. The peak and the doors will slow the sheeting down some but I'll just take my time and whatever gets done, gets done. I don't want to get in  hurry and screw something up or get hurt.


  1. This is looking great! I'll have to stop by in a couple weekends to check it out. I still have Fridays totally off, and can make arrangements for any other day, so any time you and Tech Teacher, Emeritus, want to come down to visit, please do!!

  2. Now that the siding and trim is in place, I'm pretty happy with it. When I get the stairs back in, maybe I'll have an open house. I am going to crack open the bottle of limoncello when I get the siding finished.

    When you stop by we'll get something arranged for a visit.
