Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Brother Johnny

A personal indulgence:

I've got three brothers. They're kind of scattered about the country so I don't see any of them too often. Even though that's the case, I think about them. Often. We were very fortunate growing up. Traditional family - Mom stayed home and kept us pretty much on the straight and narrow. Pop went to work every day, at least until he got pissed off and drug up, then had to find a new job. We all made it out of the 60's and 70's in spite of the times, riding motorcycles and engaging in a little hooliganism. We all made something out of ourselves. We've got craftsmen and educators in the group. Myself, I'd say I fall into both camps. We range in age from 49 to 63 and we've all been suffering the usual aches and pains of growing old but still plugging along pretty well, until now.

Two weeks ago my brother, who is a couple of years younger than I, was diagnosed with cancer. He's a nurse now but was a carpenter before that. Obviously if you're involved in the medical field you know a little something about cancer and his is pretty serious. He underwent surgery Monday and they took a chunk of his colon out. I burned a sick day to see him before he was operated on and he was taking it all in stride like it was no big deal. Surgery went well and I scooted on home after getting the surgeon's report. He starts chemo in a couple of weeks.

I'm posting this not to look for sympathy. I'm posting this first of all, because I greatly admire and respect his attitude and strength with how he's dealing with this. He blogs on a regular basis and he started another one to deal with the medical journey he's now on. Secondly, maybe some cyberspace mojo sent his way will somehow help, and for me, writing about it is somehow therapeutic.

Spring is just around the corner. Heed the siren call of your garden and grow strong as do your plantings, Johnny. Take the BigBluePlasticMotorcycle and ride the roads both familiar and new.  They'll be some bad days ahead but you will prevail. Get well my brother. We're all pulling for you.


  1. Thanks for coming down the other day. Wish I'd gotten more time to talk to ya.

    Hoping to have the Doc cut me loose today. Believe me, I'm ready.

  2. So all you guys out there 50 and over suck it up and go get your colonoscopy.
