Sunday, March 18, 2012

Magnolia Time

Spring has definitely come to the Midwest. It's been hitting 80 degrees for the past few days, setting records each day it seems. I was surprised to see some blossoms on the magnolia tree in the top photo. This is the first year it has flowered. Not too many blossoms but they are lovely. The hand in the photo was to keep the wind from blowing it around but it also gives a sense of scale. The flower is about 4" across. The daffodils and crocus are all popping up as well. I'm on Spring Break in a week and it will probably snow then.

I spent most of the day outside yesterday working around the outside of the barn. The new barn sets inside the foundation of the old barn which means I've got a 2-3' space around three sides that will be perfect for plantings. I took the broken concrete from the front and filled in a spot about 12' long in the back for a spot to store my fire wood and then filled in the remainder with black dirt. I'm going to plant vegetables in there. I'm planning on getting a deck built on the south side but on both sides of that will be black dirt for more vegetables. There are three spots in the front, one between the doors and at both ends of the building, that will have plantings but the Missus has claimed those.

Looks like it's going to continue to be unseasonably warm for a couple more days so I need to get out and take advantage of the weather. You should do the same.

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