Friday, April 20, 2012

Doing Nothing/Well

Photo From Here
I've been home for a week now and I've been doing well. I'm getting my short walks in every day like I'm supposed to and eating well. The Missus has been a tremendous help in that regard. Not much new to report when you sit around all day but I'm working on my plan of what I'm going to do as the health improves. 

The stack of reading material is growing smaller and I finished the jigsaw puzzle. Someplace around here I've got the DVD with the lessons we filmed at school so I'm going to see about getting those posted. 'Bout time I looked into a new will and the advance medical directive as well. In the past DNR always meant Department of Natural Resources - starting to take on a new meaning for me now. I'm hoping getting all this stuff done will be like taking your raincoat with you on the cloudy day - if it's there you probably won't need it. 

Looking forward to doing a little gardening. The garden pretty much went to hell last year after the barn went down but this year I should have plenty of time. I've got some peppers and cauliflower started and the rest of the seeds purchased. I'll get my tomatoes from Ag guy at school. The rhubarb is up and looking good already. Not sure if the rhubarb bread the Missus makes is low fat/sodium, but it sure is good. Same goes for the pie. Knowing her, she can adapt the recipe to make it heart health friendly, though.

Enough for now. Time for my walkies. Have a good weekend.

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