Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Hooray, Hooray, The First of May

I saw both of these at Rocket Garage the other day. The bottom photo comes from a Guzzi site that's in German but there's about 200 photos of Guzzis from mild to wild. Since I'm feeling pretty good but still not doing much, a little motorcycle porn is just what I'm in need of. I should be able to start on a little project or two this week.

I'm going to get  planting in the garden. The farmer got my little acreage planted the other day. So if it's time to plant corn, it's time to put in the garden and because of all the crazy weather this Spring, I've got gooseberries on the bushes already! We had another frost this past week but we're looking at May this week, so if the rain stops, garden it is.

The Doc said I'm up to twenty pounds of lifting now, so I hope to start on the Rapido project this week. I'll need someone to give me a hand digging it out but I should be able to tinker with it without over doing anything. I found the box of new parts the other day, so I should be all set. I can work a little, rest a little, plus, most of it can be done from the roll around stool or sitting down at the bench.

The news was good at the Doctor's office. Besides boosting my lifting limit from ten pounds to twenty, he said most of the damage should be healed within about six weeks time. Unfortunately, there is still a little concern about a blockage he wasn't able to open up. I'll know more about that after a stress test. Hope I'm not looking at open heart. The heart had already formed some new collateral arteries (like a DIY by-pass), so I'm hoping they'll be able to carry me.

Have a good week. Get some exercise and eat right. You'll thank me later.

PS. Happy birthday to brother Dave.

1 comment:

  1. Thats Great news I need to talk with you I will give you a call this evening
