Just about a year to the day since the barn blew down, I've started pulling wires. I've got all the conduit run except for a short run upstairs for a couple of wall outlets, so I decided to get started today. My biggest concern is the garage doors. With my twenty pound weight restriction still in force, I can't open and close the doors manually, which means open them and leave them open or have the Missus struggle with them. The third option would be to get the electric run to them. Since the openers are all ready to go except for the juice, option number three seems like the way to go. So I got the circuits for the openers, the GFI wall receptacles and the overhead lights run. I need to pick up some supplies to make the connection from the panel to the pole but I can continue on pulling wire and putting in the last couple of pieces of conduit upstairs over the next few days. I work a little/ rest a little, get my exercise in and get something done. Working out pretty good, actually.
I've still got to finish up the installation on the spiral staircase and the trolley beam and replace a couple of damaged roof sheets. I'd also like to get the balcony installed off the end but getting the electric done is job one now.
The weather looks to be conducive to getting things done the next few days, so I'll keep plugging away. Have a good week.
Great pun!
ReplyDeleteThe rehab people said humor is a good thing.