Thursday, September 20, 2012

Now That's A Hot One

This will keep you warm on the cold winter nights

Likewise, I'm sure

Pretty sexy heater, don'tcha think? I'm talking the Jungers Blufire single burner furnace not Sophia (it's her birthday today, BTW). The Missus found the Jungers heater at a yard sale and I stopped and picked it up after work yesterday. Not sure what we're going to do with it but it was dirt cheap and it looks like it belongs in the barn. It's got a nice grill on top to park your coffee pot. That's a big plus for a confirmed coffee drinker, like myself. I don't plan on working much on the ground floor of the barn, cold weather or not, but it wouldn't take much to hook it up - a 4" stack out the roof and a piece of cement board on the wall behind it.  If we decide not to use it, it would be just the thing for a Prepper. Stock up on kerosene and you'll be ready WTSHTF - no electricity required on this baby. 

My next move in getting ready for the cold weather needs to be getting the snowblower fixed. I know the Missus is going to be worried about me shoveling. It was down into the 30's yesterday morning when I got up. That, and the shorter days should herald the end of cutting grass every third day. That'll free up a little more time to devote to projects like the snowblower. Hopefully, we'll get a nice Indian Summer and I'll be able to get a little painting done outside and maybe go camping a couple of days. You never know with this crazy weather, however. 

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