Thursday, December 27, 2012

Still Thinking Instead of Working

I like the color of this one, along with the really clean lines. My '71 Olds Cutlass was pretty close to this color. The metallic brown/bronze color seems to be making a comeback. I've seen some new cars with similar colors lately - a Jeep that looked especially nice shining in the sun light, for one. I'm leaning in this direction for the 900. I was thinking metallic bronze with gold pinstripes but looking at the white on this one, that might be the way to go.
Both Photos From Here
I'm not sure what this is, my knowledge of sports cars is pretty limited, but it's an all aluminum body. I wish I had the talent to knock one of these out. If I get busy and clean up a bunch of my other projects, I might live long enough to build my dream car. There was an article in Hot Rod magazine a couple of years back and a guy built just about exactly what I would do given the time and the money. It was an open wheeled roadster design with aluminum skin. He even took his to Bonneville. My kind of guy.

Photo From Here
I am probably good enough to hammer out a fairing like this. I made one for my road racer a few years back but it didn't follow the contour of the engine like this one. Now that I'm getting the shop set up at home I should be able to have a nice spot dedicated to doing sheet metal work. I really enjoy doing the sheet metal. Just a shame it takes so long to master the skills. Of course, the difficulty and time spent learning something like this is what makes it worthwhile but that only happens by shutting off the computer and actually going to work.

I did do a little welding on the snowblower the other day, so I have ventured out into the shop. It's been kind of cold and windy the last few days and I haven't really felt like spending a lot of time out there, plus we had a couple days of Christmas festivities thrown in. Just felt good to relax. I do need to start getting after it if I'm going to have anything running come spring, however. All in good time. I'm still trying to master the lessons of stress reduction they ran by me during rehab. Old habits die hard. The fact that it's 68 inside and 28 outside kind of compounds the difficulty of deciding what to do as well. Sit in front of the fireplace with a good book, or go out to the shop where everything I touch is freezing cold? Seems like a no-brainer, unless I actually want to get something done. If nothing else, I'll get out there and work on the clean up. I can do that with gloves on.

I added another link in the education blog list the other day, by the way. It's from Duke University's Student Shop as sent to me by my buddy Kevin. I haven't checked it out real thoroughly yet, but looks like a lot of good how to/safety stuff available there. He also dropped a few books off for me to read. I'm working on one of them now that is definitely a must read for a guy like me who is both an educator and a maker of things. I'll have a post on it when I finish it up. 

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