Monday, February 4, 2013

Weekend Update

Found another cool panel van/transporter here. In fact it's all about trucks. All kinds of trucks. Large and small - nothing but trucks.

And here's a couple of shots of Guzzi cafe bikes. Both photos from Rocket Garage. I dig that top one a bunch. Several more photos of both bikes if you follow the link.

Cold weather here over the weekend, so I got exactly nothing done in the shop. I did manage to knock out a couple little jobs around the shack, however. The Missus bought some new screens for the fireplace. I installed those and fixed one of the brackets that hold the glass doors in place. That was like record time for me. Less than a week after they showed up, the job was finished. I took a couple of more swings at the basement cleanup as well. I want to make a rack of some sort to hold the window screens during the winter. If it stays cold, probably work on that this week or next weekend. Other than moving my saws out of there, that should about take care of the basement until Spring.

Besides the basement, the fireplace doors and going to the gym, the rest of the weekend was spent on hockey, football and reading. Not a bad way to spend a couple of cold winter days, I guess. Other than the half hour out for half time and another half hour for the electrical failure, the second half of the Super Bowl was a decent football game. I wasn't too impressed with most of the commercials except for the one for the Dodge trucks with the Paul Harvey voice-over. More a plug for farmers and ranchers than Dodge trucks but maybe that's why I liked it. CBS could have held back a little with their self-promotion. Regardless of how many commercials I'm bomdarded with, it's not going to help much when it comes time for me to sit down in front of the TV. The reason I don't watch now is because of too many damn commercials. A constant barrage of commercials for cars and telephones and a 4G network hasn't improved the programming enough for me to tolerate, let enjoy, most shows. About all television is good for is to provide some background noise to help drown out the ringing in my ears from the tinnitus.

Looks like the weather will warm up after we get a little snow the next couple of days. I hope so, time to be making some progress on the projects. I'm getting the itch.

Have a good week!


  1. My mom had the game on while we were sorting through the real Grandma Marilyn's massive collection of photos of plants and I caught the Dodge commercial. It was the only commercial I noticed and found it to be poignant and meaningful. And who doesn't love Paul Harvey?

  2. It's rare indeed that a commercial is meaningful in any other way than to just hawk the product. And the voice over in the commercial? That's exactly why everyone loved Paul Harvey. He was a little corny sometimes and I wasn't too crazy about him shilling for the nuclear industry at the end of his run, but who else would put in a plug for someone's golden wedding anniversary?

    Good Day
