Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Adjustable Wench?

I bought some new mower blades the other day and stuck them on yesterday afternoon. Certainly not my first go-around changing blades but because I'm a compulsive reader, I checked out the warning label and the tools required to perform the job: 15/16" socket or box wrench. No adjustable wench.

It's just as well. I don't have a boat wench, or a tavern wench, or any kind of wench, let alone an adjustable wench! I was kind of surprised to see the "R" left out on the label. The blades are premium quality made in the U.S.A. goods. The label was probably made by a young person who relies on the spellchecker too much.  

I do have a couple of trellis sections for my peas to climb up on now, however. I went over to the high school yesterday morning and borrowed a little space in the shop to knock these out real quick like. Not much to them. I bought a couple of panels of concrete reinforcing wire and some 3/8" rebar and tacked them  together. Took longer gabbing with some of the tech guys than it did to actually do the job. As you can see from the photo, I've got vegetables growing in the little squares. Seems to me things are going to get pretty crowded. Let's hope Mel knows what he's talking about.

I've got a few more chores around the house on tap today, depending on the weather. Definitely need to pull the swingarm off the 900 either today or tomorrow, so I can get the tubing bent for that job. Like always, steady by jerks.

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