Monday, May 6, 2013


Worked on the garden over the weekend. The first order of business was to get the holes drilled in the ends of the lath boards so I could lay out the square foot grids. I made a quicky drilling fixture for the drill press (top photo) and then fastened them down to the raised bed frames. I dug up the back part of the garden plot and got my sweet corn planted in there, planted some things around the perimeter of the new barn and got about half of the squares in the Square Foot Garden planted. I'm going to transplant a few things into the remaining squares and I've kept a few open for later plantings of radishes and carrots. I also got some flower bulbs in the ground along with a few more pine trees. Most of the heavy lifting should be done now. Just water, weed and wait.

As you can tell from the photo, I've got three 4' x 4' Square Foot Garden beds. With the cost of the wood, compost, vermiculite, peat moss, etc., I've got about $200.00 invested. You wouldn't think 48 square foot of garden would be that much money, but yes. The wood for the perimeter of the boxes is cedar, so it should last for many a season. Should be easy to take care of from a weeding and watering standpoint. I eat the hell out of green peppers and at a buck a piece, I should be able to recoup my investment this season just damn near with the peppers alone. 

Looks like the weather's going to be nice this week. Should be able to ride the S-Vee a couple of days. May 8th is Bike To School Day. I would definitely have ridden my bicycle to the high school this Wednesday but I'll have to settle for the other two wheeler now. If it hadn't have been for the heart attack, I might have considered riding the bicycle the 25 miles each way to the college. Bike To Work Day is May 17th, by the way.  I'll be on vacation but I am planning on getting out on a bicycle from now until the weather gets bad this Fall. 

Have a good week - plant yourself some vegetables!

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