Sunday, June 2, 2013

Nice Jugs

Since I've got the square foot garden going and I planted a few more trees this Spring, I needed to upgrade the watering can fleet. I was going to buy a new can but being the cheapskate that I am, I just drilled some 3/32" holes in the lids of the empty cat litter jugs and I'm all set to go. They hold a little more water than my old galvanized can and unlike many of the things I've made that were a really bad trade-off of time to utility, these only took about five minutes, cost nothing and work really well.

Also in the cost nothing and works really well department, check out the saws. Surly has been getting into collecting and restoring old hand tools in general and saws in particular. The saw in the foreground I found in the weeds when I worked for a blacktopping crew many years ago. It was already rusty and dull when I brought it home but I took a file to the blade and did a half-assed job of sharpening it once or twice over the years. Surly took it home and serviced it and it's like new again. Actually better than most new saws you would buy at a home center. It's still possible to buy a good handsaw but they're not cheap. He tuned up the other one in the photo as well, so now I've got a pair of sharp saws. I've got power tools but it's a lot faster to make a couple of cuts with a handsaw than it is to drag out an extension cord and a circular saw. Quieter as well. Next up is to modify my cabinet so I can hang up both of the saws.

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