Friday, June 14, 2013

Wood Rack

Busy day today. Got up early and went for a bike ride with a buddy I hadn't seen in a while. We did about 16 easy miles in the beautiful cool of the morning and then later in the day I finished sheeting the wood rack. I was going to leave the sides open but since I had plenty of left over sheet metal from the barn collapse, I cut a couple more pieces and installed some sides. Pert near a wood shed now. Now I need to move the rest of the woodpile and finish a little more clean up on the north side of the barn and then the view out the kitchen window will be a little less Clampettesque.

I'm sure Granny would approve. 

I got a little more done on the VW.  Still not much for a photo-op but a little something is better than nothing.  I can't find the screws for the door hinges. I bought some metric socket head screws with a flat head but can't find them in the boxes and bins of parts. I moved everything out of the high school in a big ass hurry once I decided to retire. They could be anywhere, including at the high school. I'll look again but if I can't find them, there's plenty of other things to keep me occupied.

The farmer who has taken care of my little acreage since I moved to the country passed away the other day. The Missus and I went to pay our respects and out in front of the church was one of his John Deere tractors with a big black bow on it - nice touch for a nice man. I always enjoyed our little chats out by the barn. With "Farmer Norm" farming was more than an occupation, it was a calling. We're going to miss him.

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