Friday, September 6, 2013


Photo From Here

At least it's not this bad - that would be the Allis Chalmers engine block I looked at yesterday afternoon. A friend stopped by a week or so ago to see if I could fix the damage from a thrown rod on his old tractor. I had ridden the motorcycle to work, and being another beautiful day, I took a little detour home to check it out. Looks to be repairable. The hardest part is going to be getting the oil pan rail flat. The damaged section is a triangular shape that is still attached on one side but is bulging out and down. Looks like there are a couple of spider cracks also but no water jacket damage. He's going to be out of town for a few days, so when he comes back, I'll see what I can do.

I went to the high school this morning and welded up some light posts for our ring at the boxing gym. We need some additional lights for the upcoming fundraising show. Fortunately, I had the foresight to weld some angles onto the corner posts of the ring when we built it, so I just had to make some angles that would bolt on. They've got a smaller angle welded on the top for the lights themselves to bolt onto. Unfortunately, however, I couldn't find four lights alike. Menard's only had two in stock, so I went to Home Depot and likewise, they only had two in stock. So I got four all together but this morning when I pulled one of the ones from Menard's out of the box the frame holding the glass in was broken. So now I've really only got three. But I do have a week to come up with another one. The stool in the photo is also for the gym. My replacement took care of that for me. Shortened up the legs about six or eight inches. Appreciate that, of course.

Put some apples in the dehydrator later in the day and siphoned off the peach wine from the bucket into a bottle. One more go around with the apple grinder for some cider/wine and that should be about it for the apples and peaches for this year. Next up on the gardening front is to make some hoops to cover the Square Foot Garden boxes to keep things going when the frost rolls in and to get a head start next year. The peppers are just now starting to produce - cutting the tree down and getting more light has helped quite a bit. I've got a couple of empty sections that I could plant with something. Have to give that some thought. 

All for now. I think I'm going to try and whittle down the big stack of magazines and junk mail. 

Enjoy the weekend. Hope the weather is reasonable for you.

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