Thursday, November 14, 2013

Gettin' Old, Part Two

I may be getting older but I had a stress test yesterday morning and did very well, thank you. However, I asked a couple of the nurses/technicians about being able to reverse heart disease and just what will the doctor be looking for when he checks this test and compares it to last one I had. The male nurse gave me an explanation about collateral arteries and the heart muscle that didn't really address the issue but he was very nice and professional. The lady nurse gave me a kind smile and a look that said "You poor delusional dear. Reversing heart disease never happens."

So the question becomes, is it, or is it not possible to reverse the effects of heart disease? From what I've read, the answer is yes. From what I heard yesterday, no. Is that because it can't be done or that it's just so rare that they never see it? Following along on that line of reasoning, is the reason that they never see it because of the treatment they prescribe? I've got no complaints about the the treatment I received from any of the medical professionals I've dealt with since the heart attack but since leaving rehab, it seems like there should be some involvement some place along the line to make sure that the compliance is there on stress reduction, diet, etc. It may be that some of that will be driven by the outcome of these test results. Realistically though, if I'm motivated enough to keep the exercise regimen in place and the cholesterol numbers down with the diet, why should they worry about me? Makes plenty of sense but if it's possible to reverse the effects and actually open up some of the arteries with simple lifestyle changes, why wouldn't that path be promoted heavily? And even if the changes don't reverse the disease but prevent things from getting any worse, that would be one heck of a medical breakthrough.

I'm afraid I'm going to have to throw that onto the pile of life's unanswered questions. I can toss it next to why in the hell did gasoline go up thirty-nine cents per gallon on Wednesday? The Missus is all "Who gives a shit why the gas price went up thirty-nine cents? It's not like understanding it is going to prevent it? Let it go." While I have to admit she's absolutely correct on that, I seem to have this penchant for wanting to completely understand all the issues influencing a subject once I get interested in it. With the local gas prices, it's probably nothing more than the guy owning the string of stations screwing with people. No rhyme or reason to it.

With the heart health, I see now that a lot more could be done just with education for both prevention and cure. Seems to me one of the health care providers would be sure that you were better informed about how the body's systems are all interrelated and any advice given would be based on fact rather on what they think the average Joe is really going to do to help himself along in the future. Granted nine out of ten people probably wouldn't listen to the doctor anyway, but for someone like myself, I'd appreciate a straight answer if it's going to extend my life span and improve the quality of life I'm enjoying while I'm here. I'm more than willing to give a little to get a little.

Anyway, I'm feeling good about my results regardless of my unanswered questions. And to make yesterday even better, my former colleague and running buddy, Kevin, got engaged to a wonderful young lady. Best wishes to the both of them.

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