Monday, November 4, 2013

Things - Like a Walk In The Park

I did a 1.5 mile Wellness Walk yesterday. Actually it was more like 1.75 miles. I missed the cut-off and had to back track. The guy in charge had an arrow and was on the bullhorn but he didn't point the arrow until I was past him and even though it was a non-competitive walk, I was coming up on two other walkers and figured if I turned it up a notch or two I would be the first one in. As it turns out, they were walking the four mile course and I ended up eleventh. No problem. It was a beautiful day for a walk/run and my running partner did a respectable job on the four miler. I got another new shirt, a pair of gloves, a cookie, a banana, and spent some time with a good friend, so it was a good morning. I came home and watched a little football and worked on the stand for the new lathe. Going to see if I can finish that up today and do a little garden work as well

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