Monday, January 20, 2014

Davida Helmet

While waiting for my chili and cornbread pie to bake the other night, I was buzzing through a few blogs that I follow and I found this:

Photo From Here
That helmet is just what I need to ride the BSA. Get myself a Davida helmet like Jim Redman and stick a Mooneyes decal on it and I'd be hooked up solid.

 Brother Johnny used to post this photo of Redman on his blog every once in awhile:

Davida helmet, Gasolina boots and a Corbin seat and I'd look real good sitting on the BSA out in the shop. Actually I could get a helmet and the seat with the black and white checkerboard stripe down the middle of both of them. There's a thought. Might be better if I took that thousand bucks and got the thing running first. About the only thing this cold weather is good for is planning and dreaming. I have been giving the sidecovers some thought. Next time it gets above thirty, I'm planning on making a move.


  1. John "Mooneyes" Cooper made that helmet famous but Renzo Pasolini adopted it later. That's who is in the photo above. I'm guessing that's the 350 Benelli he's on.

  2. I don't remember Pasolini wearing the Mooneyes but since he's been gone 40 years, probably not surprising. I do remember reading about him racing for H.D. on the big 750's, the two strokes and, of course, the Benelli 350.

    Since it's been so cold and I've had a little time on my hands, been thinking about the BSA and what I need to do to get it done. Should have put it down the basement for the winter where it's warm. Might have gotten something done.
