Sunday, January 5, 2014

Cold and Blowing

It's been snowing all day to the point where we probably got close to a foot of snow. The temps weren't bad - somewhere around 30 degrees most of the day -  but that's about to change. The wind has picked up and they're forecasting -15 by morning. So it's going to be really cold and the roads will all have drifted shut as well. I've got the driveway opened up but the tractor was running out of hydraulic fluid to raise the blade so I'll have to check it out Tuesday when it it's hopefully a little warmer. I might go out tomorrow and run the snowblower a little to open up a path to the chicken house and the woodpile. Have to play that by ear. Might be easier to strap on the snowshoes instead.

I've got water, groceries and firewood for the Missus and myself. Fresh straw in the hen house and a new heated water bowl for the cats. Guess we're ready. 

Stay warm and off the roads.

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