Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Garden Time - Well, All Most

Had some more tomato stakes made up by the boys at the high school. Look pretty sexy - just need to get a little primer on them and I'll be ready to go. The tomato starts are looking good - about three inches tall right now. Now that the weather is warming up a bit I can start putting them outside during the day to harden them up a bit. I got some peas planted over the weekend and I should be able to get my blueberry bushes planted this week also. I'd like to get some strawberries planted this year but don't know if that will happen. The nice thing is that the weather is in fact warming up and I'm able to get out and do a little something.

The high school also knocked out three pieces like the one in the photo for the Flex Lab at the college. These are to hold the jumper wires they use to connect up all the different configurations on the electrical trainers. You would think we could make these in house here at the college. In fact, there is a CNC plasma in the welding lab but from what I've been told, at this point it's all show and no go. It would be nice to have it at my disposal but can't have everything. I couldn't have made these any nicer than Dave did anyway.

I did make out at the college the other day. They cut up a table to make room for the new virtual welder and there was some 4" angle left over. It's all short pieces but plenty big enough to use to make a skid for the back of my tractor I can use to haul my gas drive welder around. I was toying with the idea of making one or just buying a small trailer. My minds made up now. I finished cutting it apart Monday and measured up the length of all the pieces. I'll design it around the lengths of the material. I'm not looking for anything fancy just a rectangular frame I can hang off the three point hitch. As soon as I come up with a design I'll start putting it together. I can go in to work a little early a couple of days and knock it out pretty quick. There's a Tractor Supply close to the school so getting the hitch pins will not only be easy enough but will be about the only expense. I love it when a plan comes together.

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