Friday, April 4, 2014

Sophia & The PhD

Photo From Here

And that's weldor with an "O" as it should be, you'll notice. 

Eutectic is still around. They're Castolin Eutectic now but they're still making specialty electrodes for hardfacing and joining dissimilar metals among other things. I haven't seen them promoting their products with Sophia lately, however. They do offer training seminars. Don't know much about that but the link will take you there if you're interested.

Busy, busy week so far and more to come, still. Lot's of running around and nothing really to show for it so far. However, my buddy Kevin is defending his PhD dissertation today, so let's all send him some positive mojo. He'll definitely have something to show for the week. Really proud of that boy.

I've got a 5K walk tomorrow and fights later that night. It's a fund raiser for the Make a Wish Foundation to help a couple of young kids out. It's police versus firefighters and I'm working a corner with one of our fighters and then helping out with whatever I can do. It's not much, but it's something. Can't imagine what it would be like to have a terminally ill child. For those of you in the northwest corner of Indiana, it's being held at the Hammond Civic Center. And for the record, my Old Man fought there a few times way back when. Lots of history in the place. My buddy Jimmy also fought there as an amateur and a pro. Should be a good night for a great cause.

Maybe some decent weather again on Sunday. Even if it's not, I'm going to work on something. Time to pull the rag out of my ass and goose it along a little. 

Have a good weekend.

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