Friday, May 2, 2014

Peeps and a Personal Trainer

Stumbled across a site with nothing but bikes and sports cars - especially good for those of us who fancy the bright red Italian jobs like the Maserati pictured above. 

Speaking of Italian jobs, I welded up a piston the other night for my buddy who's heading to Italy for the Motogiro d'Italia. He's got the bike pretty much done but the cylinder/piston combination was smoking a little. The only new piston he could find was $350 bucks and it was coming from England, so after digging through his boxes of parts he came up with one that was exceptionally nice except for a few dents on the top of the intake side from something that got swallowed at one time. I touched them up and he should have it together and running this weekend. He said he'd send me a couple of pictures when he's got it done.

Went in on my day off the other day to work on a couple of things of my own and for a boxing demo that was being presented. The man in charge was Norrence Smith.

He's a body builder and personal trainer. He taught me how to do some martial arts style leg kicks. My thoughts in the past were always size the dude up and if it looked like I couldn't out box him, use my legs to out run him. Now I'm at the age I'd probably do like they tell you when you're getting attacked by a bear - roll up into a ball and put your hands behind your neck. He had another guy with him (Coach Zeke?) who was holding the mitts and explaining the boxing basics to people. I took a turn on the mitts and at least looked better than all the rookies. I hung around for about an hour and really enjoyed the time. Both of the trainers seemed to be both personable and knowledgeable. It's nice that the college brings people in like that. I've been to several of the different presentations and they've all been interesting and worth taking the time to check out.

I got a few more baby chicks this week. They were supposed to show up today but came in a couple of days early. No biggie since I already had things set up, but a real plus was there was a meeting scheduled at the college I had to ditch to go pick up the chicks - sweet. Any excuse to skip meetings is a good one but day old chicks? Hard to top that one without someone being really ill or dead. Anyway, the newly arrived Golden Comets seem to be adjusting to life in the basement quite well. They were all eating and drinking shortly after I put them in the box and of course that was followed shortly thereafter with the other thing they do, and I don't mean sleep. 

It's amazing that they can hatch out baby chicks, box them up and mail them damn near any place in the country and the little darlings will arrive just fine without having any food or water on the trip. Just one more of life's little miracles.

Have a good weekend - I'll see if I can't finish planting the garden.

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