Sunday, June 22, 2014

Old Folks Boogie

The previous owner of the Sportster found the wrist pin and sent it my way along with some photos he had taken during the dis-assembly process. The photos will help with getting things back together. Now I need a little bit of time to get back to it. With the several visits last week to health care professionals - doctor, dentist, physical therapist - plus mowing the grass and going to work, didn't have much time for working on the Sportster. And with the killer toothache I developed late in the week, I didn't feel like doing much even when I had some time. I can see where this getting old stuff is not going to come easy. At least I'm getting older and I've still got my own teeth to cause me the grief. Always a silver lining someplace, I suppose.

The weather forecast for the upcoming week looks a lot like last week - rain and warm temperatures. The mowing schedule now is: mow the front one day, the back the next day, wait a day, repeat. I'll give up on painting the house for this week and try to get a little work done on the Sportster instead. I don't want to lose what little momentum I've got going.

Maybe the new theme song:

"When your mind makes a promise that your body can't fill ....."

Keep on rockin' y'all.

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