Sunday, March 15, 2015

Sorta Whitworth

Had a good day yesterday. Went to the gym, washed the wife's car and the little clown car, and then I drilled and countersunk the holes in the angle so I could proceed with the out-feed table on the table saw.

That's the laminate I'm going to use. It's 3/4" thick so I'll have to shim it up a bit to come flush with the top of the saw table but that's no biggy. I'll pick up a few 2x4's to frame it out with and I'll be cookin'. 

If you look at the top photo, you'll see a do it yourself Whitworth wrench. I bought an El-Cheapo 12mm and filed it to fit the nuts on the BSA carb studs. I've got a separate tool box for bike tools left over from when I was racing, so I'll throw it in there rather than in the drawer with the metric stuff. I should probably cut the box end off to make it more obvious that it's a non-standard size.

It sure was nice to be out doing things. Since the Missus is looking at several more months of chemo and all that that entails, I'm going to have to take advantage of any free time I've got to work on things. It's a lot easier to get out of the house when it's 50 degrees and sunny than it is -5 with the wind blowing sideways, so that'll help. Everything in its own time.

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