Thursday, June 4, 2015

Ramps With a Side of Paranoia

I got the angle iron frames for Cuzzin Ricky welded up the other evening. Not much to it other than the fact that I fabbed them up outside which meant I had to shim the pieces up so they would be flat when I finished welding them. In the photo the two frames are clamped together back to back. That's always the easiest way to do it. Take your time and tack the first one nice and square then all you have to do is lay the next one on top of the first one, clamp the pieces to keep them from moving and then tack those together. These are going to be ramps for a trailer, so I'm not sure what the next step is. I'll see what he has in mind and if it requires anymore from me. If not, I'll drop them off and call it good.

I rode the SV up to the college yesterday to get things ready for summer school. That didn't exactly happen as I had planned but it was a beautiful day to be out on the bike just the same. When I came home I had a little time to kill before lunch, so I thought I'd peruse a few things on the computer. One of the first things I saw was an article about the FBI having a list of all registered motorcycle riders and how said owners are considered gang members. The original source was the Washington Post. I saw it by way of the Feral Irishman (NSF). Since I've got a registered motorcycle, I'm on the list. Since I've got a concealed carry permit, I'm also on that list. And since I live close to Chicago I've probably had one of the FBI small planes fly over the house unbeknownst to me as well. The Missus summed it up pretty well when she said those black helicopter jokes aren't so funny anymore. Something bad is going to come out of all of this government intrusion into our private lives - not sure what or when, but it'll happen.

So how 'bout those Hawks?

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