Monday, October 19, 2015

Aermacchi Non Funzione

It's about the same color as the Aermacchi TV a couple of posts back but it's not a runner. Yet. While Surly was organizing the parts I figured I'd roll this one up on the stand and see what was needed to finish it. Actually not a lot. We found most of the parts and what remains to be repaired doesn't seem like a lot. I've already had the head gone over. New valve guides and valves. The piston is a high compression type that could probably use a new set of rings as long as the top end is apart. The front wheel is off the first incarnation of the racer. It's an 18" wheel, like the H model had, rather than a 19" like the SS model calls for. However, everything works and it's got stainless spokes and a new aluminum rim, so it's going to stay. The rear wheel needs some love, however. Might swap some parts around from the various Sprints to get a decent rear wheel for this one and get Surly set up with the proper rear wheel for a bike as well.

I got most everything moved back in the shop and transferred things from barn to barn that I wanted to do. Still need to build my porch/veranda off the end of the new barn. I did get the remaining concrete post taken care of.  I need to finalize my design for the veranda and get that done so I can move the last of the woodworking items up there. All in good time. I've still got a few outside things to take care of before the cold weather sets in but pretty happy with the progress of late.

I need to decide what I want to do about taking classes at the college. I'm going to apply this week and get my paper work in order. At least that way if I decide to take a class it will be a simple matter and I won't have to be jumping through the hoops at the last minute.

Looks like the weather is going to be decent this week. Ideal Indian Summer days around 70 and nights in the 50's. Good weather to get things done outside or in the shop with the big doors open. Maybe get a motorcycle ride in on the Suzuki before I put it to bed for the year. 

Have a good week.

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