Wednesday, November 11, 2015


Heard this the other morning on the way to work. Don't often hear anything by Tony Joe White other than Polk Salad Annie. Always liked him and Delbert McClinton. Just never heard much on the radio from either of them. SiriusXM plays them both, however. Might have to subscribe after the free sample runs out on the new car.

Handle for the spinning tool. Not really sure what I need for tools so I'm just sort of winging it here. I turned a shape that looked like it should work and  turned the OD down a bit more on the end where the steel shank is to be inserted. I'll make a brass ferrule and slip it on there. 

Top of the photo is the almost completed spinning tool. Besides the ferrule, I need to polish up the business end of the tool and oil/shellac the wood handle. It would be nice to case harden the working end but I don't have any case hardening compound and at this stage all I'm looking to do is spin a couple of pieces for Sprint mufflers out of aluminum. In fact, the tool looks to be a bit of overkill for my little mini wood lathe that I'm planning to use. The tool shank is 5/8" OD but from what I've read, this should be about right.

The pin on top of the heavy plate is the fulcrum pin that will drop into tool rest. That will be made out of the plate in the photo. I'll get the holes drilled in it and then cut it to finished size. I'll weld a piece of the 5/8" round to the bottom of it and that will mount up taking the place of the normal tool rest.

I put a shelf up in the woodshop for the new radio and needed a couple of brackets. These things have been hanging in the back of the shop for years. Don't know where they came from but they were just the right size and they look cool as hell. They were a little rusty so I sandblasted them, drilled some holes and put a little primer on them. 

Finished up the picture frame for the handbill. Doesn't look too bad even with the cheap lumber. The joints came out nice and tight and that's really all I was trying for. Just wanted to see how things were going to turn out if I actually wanted to make something nice with mitered corners. 

Tacked together a seat bracket for the Sprint but need to modify it just a bit. Maybe get that done today along with a couple of other little things. I put the Suzuki to bed for the winter after a short spin yesterday. Topped off the gas tank with some Sta-Bil added and put it on the trickle charger. Also charged the batteries in the tractor and the welder/generator. Lots of things going on but not really getting any one thing finished. If I keep going like I've been doing, however, eventually I should reach a point where all the pieces fit. Regardless, I've been enjoying myself making things and working around the shack while the weather has been so nice. Looks like it'll be coming to an end this evening, though. Had to happen. It's November after all.

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