Monday, July 11, 2016


Do it yourself dash board - at least I think so. I haven't even opened up the box yet.

Cuzzin Ricky and I went to the Sprint car races Saturday night at Kokomo. Great racing but I didn't get home until a little after midnight. I ran the gym for Jimmy earlier in the day and was pretty tired when I finally got to bed. Slept late, had a little breakfast and headed out for a eight mile training ride. I took my touring bike since I didn't want to transfer the saddle bag with the tire patch kit and all that to the racing bike. I got about two miles from the house and sure enough, I got a flat. I just put my last new tube in the bike last week but since I had the pump and the patch kit, just pull the wheel off and fix it. Only problem was the glue in the patch kit was so old it was pretty much useless. I ended up walking home. I had my phone so I could have called the Missus but I was looking for exercise, right? After I got home I jumped on the other bike and put my eight miles in. Actually made pretty good time - a solid 15 mph average speed. Legs and lungs both seem to be coming back around. I did order some new tubes and a patch kit when I got home, however.

After coming home and cutting the grass I headed out to the shop to see how the patch panel was going to look on the VW. Pretty good, actually. I shortened up the top edge and put a joggle in it so it will slip under the panel on the car and line up well. Took me a bit to find the tool for offsetting that edge, however. I think I've finally got all of the sheet metal/body work tools where I can find them when I need them now. 

I've got some things to do this morning but I'll work on the car some more later today. It's supposed to get hot and sticky again the next few days. That might slow me down some but that's OK. Every time I close the doors to the shop at the end of the day there's visible progress. That's worth something. 

I measured up the piece for TVI's golf cart dash and made a couple of templates. I'll make the end pieces first and see how they look and then make the piece or pieces in the middle. No hurry on this one but I want to keep the docket cleared of all outside work. I don't want to loose my momentum on the VW and I want to get back on the 900 project soon. 

Have a good week.

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