Saturday, August 6, 2016

Dream Car - Continued

When I was poking around on the Gary Bridge and Iron site, I missed this one the first time through. A super-modified might not be the best thing to base a street car off of since you'll have to turn right as well as left but this one sure is a dandy. These roadster style cars just do it for me.

If I had deep pockets I could bid on this one at the upcoming auction rather than dreaming about building one. I subscribed to Vintage Motorsport magazine and this was in the latest e-mail - should have been born rich instead of good looking!

I talked recently to the guy I used to work with who taught auto body. Told him what I was doing with the VW project. He said when I get close to paint ready he'd come out and give me some advice on the body work and fill me in on the new paints. The last time I painted a car the choices were synthetic enamel, acrylic enamel or lacquer. No urethane or basecoat/clearcoat stuff. There's a body shop within bicycling distance of me. Maybe I'll stop in there and see about a rough price for him to shoot it if I bring in the parts.

Man, where's Earl Scheib when you need him? I used to see his ads all the time on Chicago TV when I was a kid growing up. Now it's MAACO for the cheap paint jobs. They're running a $299 special now - which is about all the VW is worth. I'm still a long way from paint but never hurts to start budgeting for it. Especially since the VW will probably end up being the dream car.

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