Monday, August 1, 2016

No Medal

I did the bike race yesterday. No medal or awards this time but pretty pleased with my performance. 17.3 mph average for the eight miles. Not too shabby for not training much. My partner in crime gave up on it being a race and decided to just take in the scenery. Her bike is definitely not the hot set up for racing, however, I have an old one in the barn that might fit her. 10 speed Motobecane. Nowhere close to a top of the line bike but it's got new tires and needs nothing. I had loaned it out to a guy I used to work with at the high school and he used it when he started training for triathlons. After he upgraded he brought the bike back. I give it away this time I'm going to call no give-backs. Surly came down and used the milling machine and he was looking for a couple of bicycle wheels for a guy he works with. I sent a pair home with him, so there's a couple more things that are gone. 

So all in all a pretty good day. Got some exercise, got caught up on the news from my training partner, mowed some grass, got rid of some junk, and played a little catch with the grandson while Surly was working on his projects. And I'm on vacation - that's always enough to make it a good day. Now I'll shoot for a good week.

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