Sunday, September 25, 2016

Off To The Races

Well, not exactly the races but my saddle pal and I did a 36 mile ride yesterday. Last year she rode a hybrid/mountain bike thing and she was dying by the time we finished. After we did the race a month or so ago, I dug out my old Motobecane Mirage and gave that to her. I had given it to a guy I worked with who was starting to do triathlons. He decided he needed a better bike after using it for a bit but he had put new tires on it prior to returning it to me, so it was pretty close to being ready to go. It made a huge difference for her and we finished the 36 miles in just a tick over three hours, including three stops. 

When I got home from the ride, this was on my doorstep. Chinese knock-off of a Beverly shear. It's sized like the Beverly B-1 with a 4" throat and a 14 gauge capacity in mild steel. Eastwood had this as the deal of the day last week. It was on sale, I got an additional 10% off and the shipping was free. It was definitely time to buy it. It would have been nice to have while working on the VW but I'll be able to put it to use when making the fender for the sidecar. Didn't get much done on that project this week, by the way - a little additional work on the mounts is about all but I did get the aluminum ordered for the floor and fender. I need to decide what I'm going to use for the fender braces and get those fabbed up. 

As always, steady by jerks.

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